My daughter had the privilege of hearing Anthony Esolen lecture at Hillsdale last fall. She forwarded me his following Article. It deserves a very thoughtful reading.
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The Least of These
by Anthony Esolen
within Culture
within Culture
February 8th, 2013
Our government has failed to admit that its own selfishness is the root of many societal problems it has tried to address.
Philadelphia, about half of all students in ninth grade will graduate
from high school. The dropout rate is especially high among black and
Hispanic boys. President Obama's answer to this problem is typical of
the left: compulsion. Make dropping out illegal. In other words, force
boys who are learning nothing to remain where they are learning nothing,
to help make sure that nobody else learns anything, either. If they
drop out anyway, turn them into criminals to be rounded up.
this would cost a great deal of money, which Philadelphia does not
have. And even if you could compel the boy, seething with resentment and
contempt, to occupy a desk in a dreary schoolroom, you cannot compel
him to learn. To try is a distant, "technological" response to a human
problem. It is a way to pretend to generosity, while keeping those who
suffer from your heedlessness far from your sight and smell.
has been engaging in a years-long lawsuit, at great expense, to force
the Boy Scouts from their headquarters, which they occupy rent-free. Why
no rent? Well, back in 1929, the year of the stock market collapse, the
city fathers invited the Boy Scouts to occupy land on the Benjamin
Franklin Parkway. Back then, the city fathers actually cared for the well-being of boys.
So the Scouts agreed. They built the building themselves. They
then graciously turned ownership over to the city, with the
understanding that they might use the building without paying rent.
They, not the city, have assumed all the costs of maintenance ever
since. It has not cost the city a penny. The Boy Scouts, in other words,
did the city a tremendous favor, and are now rewarded for it with
the animus against the Boy Scouts? Because Copernicus was wrong. The
world does not revolve around the sun. The world revolves around the
predilections of upper- and middle-class feminists and their satellites.
Boy Scouts retain the commonsense notion that it is not wise to bring
boys into close quarters with men who are sexually attracted to boys,
regardless of whether they act on those attractions. They retain the
commonsense notion that if it were widely known that such men were
scoutmasters, the boys would check out. They retain the commonsense
notion that boys need fathers, who will teach them to be good men, ready
to be fathers of their own families.
the Philadelphia city council does not care about such things, because,
when called upon to choose between their sexual antinomianism and the
welfare of boys--many of whom only a group like the Boy Scouts can save
from gangs--they will choose their preferred form of lawlessness every
time, without regard for the common good.
shouldn't surprise anyone, because for the last fifty years, even
before Lyndon Johnson's disastrous War on Poverty, technocratic
managers, mainly but not exclusively on the left, have been building a
system of mutual parasitism, funded by taxes.
group profits, in power, from the profligacy of the other, which it
"rewards" with money confiscated from the general public. They thus gain
millions of publicly funded jobs to manage the people whom their
policies have corrupted, and they move far away from those people,
assuaging their consciences by voting correctly and holding correct
opinions. Their hands do not get dirty.
on the dreadful day of doom, will that boy in Philadelphia say to the
rich who have ignored him, or worse, who have profited by his confusion?
needed a good school, and you trapped me in a bad one, while you sent
your own children elsewhere. When some people suggested a way for me to
go to a Catholic school where I'd have a chance of learning something,
you cried up the separation of church and state. You didn't actually
believe that you would be setting up any church as a state institution.
It is just that you hated the Church a lot more than you loved me.
once lived in a real city neighborhood. The houses needed repair, so
you called it a slum, and you tore it down. Then you built housing
projects with all the beauty and safety of a parking garage. When these
became hotbeds of crime, you tore them down too.
"You declared a War on Poverty, aimed at me, when you should have declared a War on Vice, aimed first of all at yourselves.
loved your vice more than you loved me. You could afford your vices,
but I could not. Your vices made your lives, as you thought, more
exciting. I did not have your cushion of wealth, so the same vices
destroyed me.
"I was lonely, and you bought me a whore. My sisters were lonely, and you made them into whores.
needed the Church, desperately, because when a man is poor, he must
face his helplessness every day. But the Church would restrain you, so,
at every chance you had, you derided religious faith, and thus you
snatched from me my most loyal friend.
had no job, and you overtaxed the man who might have given me one. Then
you gave the job to someone on the other side of the world, or you
winked while men left their families thousands of miles away, crossing
the border to work at low wages, and you yourselves hired them, and
ducked the taxes that you yourselves established. In this way you
managed to do mayhem to two families at once.
was in prison, and needed to learn a trade, but you teamed up with
union bosses to make sure I would not. You gave me dull and useless
classes in communication, and television.
was clothed with the remnants of modesty and decency, and you stripped
them from me. You praised bad men who celebrated violence in their
'music,' and hugged yourselves for your tolerance.
forebears lived on a farm, but your collusion with big business made it
impossible for them to continue, not to mention your taxes on our land
and our inheritances. When we moved to the cities, you moved away.
needed to learn to calculate, and you handed me a machine that would do
it for me, and prevent me from understanding what I was doing. I needed
to learn to read, and would have liked adventure tales for boys, but
you gave me feminist propaganda, or comic books.
needed a father, but you preferred your fun. You passed laws that would
reward my mother for not marrying my father. You hated marriage,
because marriage brings a man into a family, and marriage restrains. You
winked and smiled while my mother brought a series of irresponsible men
into my life, none of whom was my father. They were dangerous. When
they grew violent, you herded them into your corral, which you called
'Domestic Violence.' You refused to distinguish between husbands and
these others. Thus did you continue to tear marriage down, and subject
me and mine to more of the violence you pretended to decry.
"I needed a father, and you gave me the gang leader selling crack cocaine.
"I needed a father, and you laughed and told me I didn't know what I was talking about. Then you gave me a prison trusty.
needed a coach, to keep me in line during the difficult years, but you
cut my teams and rosters. You called it 'fairness' to my sisters, and
hugged yourselves for your enlightenment.
"I used to have a YMCA, but you turned it into a day-care center for people like you.
"I needed a father to show me how to love women, and you gave me porn.
"I once had virtue, the poor man's heritage, but you trained me in vice.
needed a mother, and you, having taken my father away, did your best to
take my mother away also. You had your work as doctors and lawyers, but
my mother worked as a cleaning woman in one of your office buildings.
When I grew overweight from the junk you made, because she wasn't around
to cook, you declared a War on Obesity, and profited by it.
needed a father, I always needed a father, and you turned your back on
me, and told me what you knew was a lie, that a mother or two mothers or
a mother and a boyfriend would do just as well. When it didn't work
out, you blamed everything but your own selfishness.
"I needed a father, and you were too busy with your sexual innovations to notice it.
"I needed a married mother and father, what every child needs, what every child has a right to, and you told me to go to hell.
"I went to hell, and have brought it back with me."
Anthony Esolen is Professor of English at Providence College in Providence Rhode Island, and the author of Ten Ways to Destroy the Imagination of Your Child and Ironies of Faith. He has translated Tasso's Gerusalemme liberata and Dante's The Divine Comedy.
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