Saturday, December 22, 2012

Sound Thinking About the "Gun Problem"

Almost five times as many people are murdered with a knife as with a rifle (and that includes all kinds of rifles, everything from routine hunting rifles to what the left calls "assault" rifles). More children are killed by 5 gallon buckets and bathtubs than by guns. And a good man could probably not use a five gallon bucket to protect his child from being killed by a five gallon bucket....whereas a good man with a gun has a real chance to protect his child from being killed by a bad man with a gun. 

All of the horrific mass killings of recent decades have occurred where liberal policy has prevailed: so-called "gun free zones."  From Columbine, to Va Tech, to Fort Hood, to Aurora (of all the theaters in town, only this one prohibited licensed concealed-carry on the heard that on the news, right? Right.), and now Newtown...a deranged individual has selected a no-guns-allowed area to carry out his twisted deed.  The reason is as obvious as the nose on your face, isn't it? The "no guns allowed" areas are where no one will be able to shoot back!

From our friends at the Patriot Post, I am sharing this December 21, 2012 article in full.  For more sound thinking of this kind, visit them at

Leftists Exploit Pain for Political Gain
"The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered as the palladium of the liberties of a republic." --Joseph Story
The nation is still reeling over the dreadful events in Newtown, Connecticut, one week ago. We mourn the tragic loss of life, and we weep and pray for the families who won't have a son or a daughter to open presents under the Christmas tree this year. We wish that we could, as one nation, just pause and reflect. The last thing we want is a political fight. But even so, we won't stand idly by while some use Newtown's pain to justify taking away our Liberty.
Evil exists in the world, and yet too many people seem shocked that an evil man would take the lives of 20 six- and seven-year-old children, six adults at the school and even the life of his own mother. That isn't to say that the horrific crime isn't shocking, but it is to say a sober view of reality is needed.
Instead, the Left is almost uniform in hiding the evil behind its implements. Evil often takes things -- sometimes very good things -- and twists and distorts them for its own ends. Rather than admit the existence of evil, the Left blames the thing itself. Hence the renewed efforts at "gun control" at the federal level. Our mission -- and it should be the mission of congressional Republicans -- is to stop those who would use evil acts as an excuse to take away our very means of defending against that evil; to stop Barack Obama and his ilk from stacking up the coffins of innocent little children as a platform for their vile disarmament agenda.
The Terms
We must begin by considering the terms of the debate, and refusing to cede the field to leftists. For example, we must not use the Left's lexicon when referring to crimes where assailants use guns. The sociopath who used a gun to kill kids in Newtown was not a "shooter" or a "gunman." Such words only put the emphasis on the tool, rather than the perpetrator. When we head to the range, we are shooters and gunmen. That sociopath was an "assailant" and "murderer."
Furthermore, those who don't have the first clue what they're talking about regarding guns shouldn't be the ones to craft legislation dealing with them. When Nancy Pelosi warns hysterically of "assault magazines," or when Carolyn McCarthy refers to a barrel shroud as "the shoulder thing that goes up," they have shown themselves to be incapable of good judgment on the issue.
When the Left frets about "high-capacity magazines" or "assault weapons," they know not of what they speak -- or worse, they deliberately misinform. Many guns, including handguns, have standard-capacity magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, which, inexplicably, seems to be their lucky number to solve "gun violence."
Rifles such as the AR-15 are not "assault weapons." The Defense Department says, "Assault rifles are short, compact, selective-fire weapons [i.e., machine guns] that fire a cartridge intermediate in power between submachine-gun and rifle cartridges. Assault rifles have mild recoil characteristics and, because of this, are capable of delivering effective full automatic fire at ranges up to 300 meters." The AR-15 is a civilian semi-automatic weapon that fires intermediate-powered rounds -- one for each distinct pull of the trigger. Such rifles aren't "high-powered," either. Indeed, they aren't legal for deer hunting in many states because their firepower isn't sufficient to reliably take down a deer.
The Bill
The primary purpose of the Second Amendment isn't to preserve hunting, or sport shooting, or even self-defense, though it does protect all those things. The Founders' intent when enshrining our natural right to "keep and bear arms" was to ensure that the people could defend against a tyrannical government -- that's precisely why tyrannical governments always begin by disarming the people. Anyone who doubts this truth should ponder the awful history and the appalling body count of 20th-century communism. Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi once said, "Among the many misdeeds of British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest."
In the immediate aftermath of the Newtown murders, Sen. Dianne Feinstein vowed to get "weapons of war off the streets" by reintroducing her 1994 "assault weapons" ban. Of course, that ban did little but prohibit guns with certain cosmetic features that, to the ignorant, look particularly scary. The Bushmaster .223 that the Newtown killer allegedly used was legally owned by his mother in Connecticut, which has an almost identical ban to the 1994 federal one. An especially troubling aspect of the new federal law is the proposed ban on magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammo, merely because Beltway leftists and New York chardonnay sippers can't conceive of a legitimate use for 12, 15 or 30 rounds. (For a good summary of the other details of the bill, see here.)
The Obama White House announced that it will "actively support" the bill, as did Senators Harry Reid (D-NV), Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Mark Warner (D-VA), who all have good NRA ratings. Joe Biden is now in charge of a "task force" to reduce gun violence, in part through legislation. We are reminded that in 2008, Obama said, "If you are a law-abiding gun owner you have nothing to fear from an Obama administration." So much for that. Indeed, don't be surprised if Obama tries something through executive order should Congress fail to bow to his wishes.
Attorney General Eric Holder said, "[W]e have to ask ourselves some hard questions" and "talk about the freedoms that we have." Let's do. Let's start with some hard questions about why the Department of Justice was selling Mexican drug cartels the same types of weapons Obama now wants to ban. Another of those Fast and Furious weapons just turned up at a Mexican murder scene in November.
Meanwhile, Obama is using Newtown as an excuse not only for gun control, but, grotesquely, he said that it provides "some perspective" for getting his domestic agenda through Congress, particularly on the fiscal cliff. He's also using it for continued fundraising.
Obama asked Sunday night, "Are we prepared to say that such violence visited on our children year after year after year is somehow the price of our freedom?" The president's political party has made killing children prior to birth a pillar of their platform -- 54 million children sacrificed on the altar of "choice" since 1973, currently a rate of 3,200 every day.
The Stats
Since Obama was elected in 2008, gun and ammunition sales have surged to historic highs. Perhaps if Obama is really concerned about the proliferation of firearms, he should resign.
Since the previous ban on certain semi-automatic rifles sunset in 2004, gun ownership has increased and crime has decreased.
According to the FBI, two-thirds of murders that involve guns were perpetrated with handguns. In fact, it's pretty embarrassing for Feinstein that her own summary statement says that her ill-defined, so-called "assault weapons have been used in at least 459 incidents, resulting in 385 deaths and 455 injuries" since the ban ended, because that's less than one-half of 1 percent of all gun deaths in that time period. Twice as many people are killed with an assailant's hands, fists or feet -- and almost five times as many with a knife -- than with a rifle. Furthermore, the gun-death statistics that leftists tend to trot out are invariably skewed by gang-on-gang violence.
Just this year in Chicago -- Obama's hometown and a city with the toughest gun restrictions in America -- 62 young people between the ages of six and 18 have been murdered with guns -- and nearly 500 people total. Not a word from Obama.
It must also be noted that the murders in Newtown, as well as those in Aurora, Virginia Tech, Columbine and other places, occurred in so-called "gun-free zones." The Useful Idiots of the Left are under the delusion that simply posting a sign will make people safe, when only the murderers actually are safe. Estimates are that the sociopathic killer in Newtown broke 20 existing gun laws, including entering a "gun-free zone" with a gun. Murder is also against the law no matter the weapon.
There are numerous stories every week like this, this and this of citizens using firearms to stop threats, often without even firing a shot. Ann Coulter recounts several attempted mass shootings thwarted by gun owners.
The Conclusion
Benjamin Franklin once proclaimed, "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." In the case of those who would give up Essential Liberty for nothing more than the perception of a little temporary safety with more gun prohibitions, indeed they deserve neither Liberty nor safety and, ultimately, will lose both.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Call Obama's 'Fiscal Bluff'!

The folks over at The Patriot Post have a great essay on The Fiscal 'Bluff' that is worth your time.  For instance, have you heard the Senator ranting about how we should not raise the debt limit?  Here, read the transcript...
"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. government can't pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our government's reckless fiscal policies. ... Leadership means that 'the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better. I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America's debt limit."
Recognize that speech?  DeMint? McConnell? Time's up.  It was Senator Obama in 2006! More highlights from this Patriot Post essay include the following gems...

"So what are Obama's positions on debt and taxation?
...Obama was against raising the debt ceiling and "shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren" before he was for it.
...Obama was against "taking out a credit card from the Bank of China" before he was for it.
...Obama was against "raising taxes in the middle of a recession" before he was for it.
...Obama was for "limiting charitable giving" deductions before he was against it."

"Obama's bluff is so absurd that Harry Reid will not allow a Senate vote on it -- worried that anyone on the Left will pay a political price for supporting such nonsense."

"Newt Gingrich, who has a bit of experience as a real House Leader, advised, "House Republicans [need to] get a grip. They are the majority. They're not the minority. They don't need to cave in to Obama; they don't need to form a 'Surrender Caucus.' So my number one bit of advice to the congressional Republicans is simple: Back out of all of this negotiating with Obama. The president is overwhelmingly dominant in the news media. [If] you start setting up the definition of success [as] finding an agreement with Obama, you just gave Obama the ability to say to you, 'Not good enough.'" Obama will also have to deal with the consequences of cuts.

"The Department of Defense is targeted for 49.5 percent of total cuts next year -- though the DoD budget amounts to only 17 percent of spending. Ironically, defense spending is actually authorized by our Constitution, whereas entitlement spending and most other discretionary spending has no basis in Rule of Law."

I encourage you to read the full essay here, and while you're there, sign up to receive the emailed The Patriot Post weekly. I do!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Politics and Being Nice

The world has embraced tolerance as the test of nice.  We must be careful in this area. 
Kindness. Abstain from childish name-calling. Focus on policies, not personalities.  Yes.  Yes. Yes.
Silently stand by when you see naive people being misled? Look the other way rather than shining the light on veiled corruption?  Sit quietly while someone who has been granted the public trust acts outside the bounds of the law?  Remain out of the political conversation for fear that someone who considers tolerance the highest—perhaps only—virtue might think you are mean? Speak only positive words, even if it plays into the hand of those carrying out truly harmful laws? No. No. No. No. No.
Would you call it kindness to watch someone with power hurt others?  Sometimes I don't think we as Christians recognize how destructive and anti-Christian are socialist government policies, the policies aggressively advanced by President Obama.  Christians are naïve to think politics and Christianity only collide on matters like abortion and gay marriage. 
Economics are not morally neutral issues. Christians must be concerned with economic policy.
It is truly harmful to give people money as a direct result of their sinful (slothful, immoral, deviant, negligent, etc.) decisions.  Such policies serve to enslave those people, not just to the government handout (then we would only be talking about the political implications...would to God that it were only that serious!) but to the sinful, self-destructive behavior itself.  Policies that reward sin have the effect of enslaving people in and to their sin.  God created a world with natural consequences for sinful behavior, to help deter people from such behavior.  As we use government handouts to shelter people from those consequences, we are working directly against God.  History shows that as government sources of help increase, the demands for it increase.  Coincidental?  Of course not.  The very nature of government help (value-neutral, non-judgmental handouts that relieve you of the naturally punitive consequences of following the flesh) tends to increase the need for it.

Does that mean we should not help those in need?  Of course it does not mean that.  Assistance can and should be provided through private charity, where one can develop personal relationships and accountability, and where the help (food, shelter) is connected in the mind of the receiver to The Source of all that is good.  This works hand-in-hand with God, demonstrating that people—God’s hands on this earth—give sacrificially and voluntarily when they are motivated by His love.  Government is not motivated by God’s love, because “it” has nothing “it” can give.  It can only take from some and transfer to lucky—or politically connected—recipients.

Christians, what will help people eternally?  Teaching them that government is their satisfying source? Or teaching them that God is the source that meets their needs? 

You say God doesn't meet their needs?  I beg your pardon, God has provided us the tools and the training to meet not only our spiritual needs, but our material needs as well.  In those truly rare exceptions where a person has no ability to provide for himself or herself (I am not talking about the standards it takes to "get on disability" or to get a handout from government) there is plenty of help available through private, God-motivated charity.
Is it evil or sinful to make money in a free, capitalistic society? I’ve blogged about this before, but to summarize: money is made in a free economy by serving others.  You identify some good or service that others want or need, and you provide it to them in exchange for what they are willing to pay.  So long as the exchange is freely undertaken and made without deception, this is virtuous activity. Further, the harder you work to meet the needs of others, the greater your financial reward will be: the more money you can make.
My wife heard a speaker (she did not remember the name or I would give him credit) point out that while the God-ordained role of governments is to reward the righteous and punish evil doers, ironically, liberal government does exactly the opposite!  Such government punishes people who engage in virtuous activity like hard work, being faithful to their spouse, not engaging in risky behavior, and serving others, and rewards with handouts those who do wrong.
Enough of the wrong direction.  It’s time to turn back to the right on all of the moral issues. It's the only way to be nice!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Could a Christian Vote for Romney?

I from time to time am hearing--always second hand--from people who say that someone they know is a Christian but just can't vote for Romney.  I would like such a someone to explain to me how that is possible.  Seriously, how can anyone call them self a follower of Christ, living in today's America, and say such a thing?

These candidates have articulated their positions on a wide range of issues on which Christians should have opinions.  We are not talking about style or likeability or whether they are a good leader or have a nice personality or speak well with or without a teleprompter.  This is about specific laws that they would use their power to enforce on all Americans.  For instance:
  1. We have a federal law that says marriage is the union of one man and one woman, called the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), signed into law by President Clinton. Obama supports the repeal of that law, Romney opposes repeal.
  2. How about strengthening DOMA, by amending the U.S. Constitution to specifically define marriage as "only" the union of one man and one woman, so activist judges can no longer overturn democratically enacted laws and ordinances that say marriage is just that?  Romney supports such a Constitutional amendment, Obama opposes it.
  3. Should "sexual orientation" or "gender identity" be considered a protected classification under law, something that everyone has to treat as a neutral, unobjectionable, perfectly normal-and-beyond-your-control trait, like your race, sex, religion and ancestry? Romney says these should not be treated the same, while Obama says they should not only be treated equally with race, religion, etc., but that sexual activities and debaucheries should be given preference over matters of religion when the two come into conflict!
  4. Should the federal government (using tax dollars collected by force from everyone who works...that's where the government gets money) give money to Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers? Obama says yes, Romney says no.
  5. Prohibit abortion except where it is necessary to save the life of the mother? Romney says yes, Obama says (vigorously, repeatedly, loudly and in every way within his power, and uses this power to make abortion more frequent) no!
  6. What if a doctor or nurse or pharmacist chooses to decline to provide a service that is available elsewhere because it violates his or her conscience? Romney says honoring their conscience should be their right, Obama says they should have no such right. If you choose to work in health care, he says check your religion at the door!
  7. Repeal ObamaCare:  We could discuss and explain for days the pros and cons of the law, but there is no disagreement on two things: (a) It allows government appointees to make rules like "everyone must share the costs of your abortion" and "everyone must contribute to your birth control expenses even if you are unmarried."  (b) It is perhaps the largest ever example of the federal government "legislating morality" (which is wholly contrary to our Founders' beliefs about the role of the federal government, something I blogged about for months!) Romney says repeal it, Obama, obviously, says don't. 
  8. Who should have the say-so about the sort of education children receive: the government or their parents? Romney supports letting parents select where at lest some of the money allocated to educate their children will be spent, aka "vouchers" while Obama says no, government trumps parental control; "we want to spend more and more money on public education, but the only way you get any is to turn your kids over to us!"
  9. On the budgetary process in Washington D.C., Romney supports a Constitutional amendment that would require Congress to balance its budget every year: no more deficit spending by either party!  Obama opposes it.
  10. Should state and local law enforcement officials be allowed to enforce immigration laws?  Obama says no, Romney says yes.
Beyond these "obvious" moral issues there is the whole realm of economics.  Obama is clearly a central-control liberal, Romney much more of a free-market capitalist.  Economic policy is also a moral issue: liberals use government immorally! For example:
  1. If your child is dabbling in drugs and drink, and as a result is not able to "get by on" his allowance, would it be moral to increases his allowance? Of course not. It is immoral to give money to people making harmful life choices, since it has the effect of enabling and solidifying those bad choices.  You would make them more firmly entrenched in the harmful behavior.  That is immoral, and liberal government policy does it all the time.
  2. Your eldest, unmarried daughter is sexually active, and gets pregnant (duh!). Would you give her money to move out on her own and announce: "if any of my other children get pregnant before marriage, I will give you a food and housing allowance, too"?  No matter what your good intentions might be, this would increase temptation to such inappropriate activities in your other children.  Government does this sort of thing all the time. Anything you subsidize, you get more of.  It is an irrefutable law of economic and human behavior.
  3. If you have one child who is diligent and hardworking, saving his allowance and the extra money he makes shoveling sidewalks and mowing yards for purchase of his first car, while his twin brother is spending all of his allowance on candy and disposable junk, would you confiscate part of the diligent one's savings to make things fair when it comes time for them to buy their first cars? This is the Obama-Biden definition of "fairness" in action at a level where everyone can see it.
When people have freedom to decide what they want to do with their time and money, that freedom must include reaping the good or bad consequences.  Whether it is your lazy son, the unwed mother, the guy on welfare, or GM, or AIG.  "The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools." (Herbert Spencer)  I believe it is immoral to use government power to fill the world with fools.  Don't you? (For more on how anti-Christian it is for government to reward evil and punish righteousness, see this blog post.)

I would like to hear a rational, Christian defense of any of the positions Obama holds compared to that of Romney.  If these issues are not important to you as a Christian, then could you tell me what Obama policies you consider to be both

  • more important than the these, and 
  • preferable to Romney's position on the same issue?
Just one more point and I am done for today.  To anyone who has decided not to vote for either one because "I just can't vote for a Mormon" or "there isn't that much difference between them"...that is one of the most moronic decisions imaginable.  Neither candidate is perfect (obviously...since you are not the one running) but they are very different from each other and propose very different paths and will (Obama has proven it already) do what they can to force upon us what they believe in!  One of these two men is going to be the next President of the United States. That is simply a fact, so get over it. Your voting decision will help decide which one it will be. 

If you don't vote, or if you waste your vote on a third candidate, you are not being salt and light, you are not rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar's, and you are not doing what is within your power to leave the world a safer place for the Gospel...and God save you from such blind foolishness.

On the other hand, if you believe that government persecution is the best way to help more people to make it to heaven, vote for a third party, stay home on election day, or go all out and vote for Obama. Otherwise, you have no rational choice left.

How can any Christian not vote for Romney?

Monday, October 8, 2012

Obama's Sex-Trumps-Religion Agenda

President Obama has mounted an all-out assault on religious liberty.  While he speaks publicly of protecting the "right to worship" (or, when in Muslim countries of respect of all religions) his actions shout otherwise.  In his world, the First Amendment protects church attendance...and that's about all. He really thinks it's important...sort of like you have a right to go to the Elks Lodge or the mall.

Matthew J. Franck, professor emeritus of political science at Radford University, recently spoke on religious freedom and the following adaptation of his lecture is reprinted by permission from Imprimis, a publication of Hillsdale College. I have bolded a few items for those readers who doubt that President Obama has an anti-liberty agenda. An alarming consistency appears: the Obama agenda says My Sex trumps Your Religion.  Sexual 'rights' (not mentioned in the constitution) are to be advanced at the expense of religious liberty (explicitly addressed twice in the very First Amendment). Obama is not satisfied that the Supreme Court has said the government cannot outlaw promiscuity and deviance.  No, Obama's agenda is 
  1. to prevent private citizens' expression against it (no freedom of speech on this topic), and 
  2. to force everyone to enable promiscuity and deviance by helping pay for it.
Long before he was President, Obama said the courts had not gone far enough, that it was insufficient to create "negative liberties" (define what the law could not keep you from doing, i.e., the state could not deny access to contraception or abortions) and that his goal was to create "positive liberties" (get the government and courts to say what we all had to give to everyone who wanted contraception and abortions).

Here is Professor Franck:

THERE IS A GROWING awareness among Americans that religious freedom in our country has come under sustained pressures. In the public square where freedom of religion meets public policy, it becomes clearer all the time that there is a high price to be paid for being true to one’s conscience. This is no tale of Chicken Little—although a chain of chicken sandwich restaurants based in Atlanta is part of the story. Let me give you a few examples.
In our universities, those citadels of toleration, we find that toleration can be sharply limited. At the Hastings College of Law in San Francisco, the student chapter of the Christian Legal Society was denied any status on the campus because it would not abandon its requirement that members commit themselves to traditional Christian norms regarding sexual morality. The U.S. Supreme Court, in a 5-4 ruling in 2010, held that the student group’s rights were not violated by a “take all comers” policy. Following this lead, Vanderbilt University has rewritten its student organizations policy and effectively chased every traditionally Christian student group off campus, denying them regular access to campus facilities. And at the University of Illinois, an adjunct professor of religion, hired to teach a course on Catholicism, was let go because a student complained about his patient explanation of the Catholic Church’s natural law teachings on human sexuality. (He was later restored to his teaching duties, but at the expense of the Newman Center, not on the state payroll.)
In our states and localities, we see other kinds of pressures. Authorities in Washington state and Illinois have attempted to force pharmacists, against their conscience, to dispense “morning after” pills when other pharmacists short distances away make these abortifacients available. New York City has barred church congregations—and them alone—from using public school buildings outside school hours. In New Mexico, a Christian wedding photographer was fined for violation of a state “human rights act” because she refused to take the business of a same-sex couple who claimed to want her services at their civil union ceremony. And in Massachusetts, Illinois, San Francisco, and the District of Columbia, the adoption and fostering agencies of Catholic Charities have been shuttered because they will not place children with same-sex couples, as the local authorities demand.
In our courts, we see the First Amendment turned on its head or simply disregarded, in active hostility to the place of religion in our public life. The U.S. Seventh Circuit Court recently ruled that a Wisconsin public high school could not rent space for its annual graduation exercises in a local church, lest it be seen as “endorsing” religion and “coercing” its students to view Christianity in a positive light. In 2010, Judge Vaughn Walker of the U.S. District Court in San Francisco ruled that Proposition 8, preserving marriage in the California constitution as the union of one man and one woman, was unconstitutional. He held that the affinity between traditional religion and the moral case against same-sex marriage was reason enough to strike down the popular referendum, and went so far as to say that religious doctrines holding homosexual acts to be sinful are in themselves a form of “harm” to gays and lesbians. In this he followed the lead of the Iowa Supreme Court, which held in 2009 that the state’s law restricting marriage to a man and a woman was an expression of a religious viewpoint, and for that reason unconstitutional.
Finally, we have listened to Obama administration officials, including the President and the Secretary of State, speak of “freedom of worship” as though it marked the full extent of freedom of religion. The President famously spoke at the University of Notre Dame’s commencement in 2009, but in that speech, he treated religious opinions that disagree with his views on abortion and other social issues as fundamentally irrational, and thus to be relegated to the private sphere and ruled out of order in our public debates. Having succeeded in persuading Congress to repeal the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy for the military, the administration has been strongly opposed to legislation that would protect the conscience rights of chaplains and other service-men and women who continue to hold and to express the view, on religious grounds, that sexual relations are morally permitted only in a marriage between a man and a woman. In the recent term of the Supreme Court, the administration’s lawyers took the position that there should be no “ministerial exception” on religious-freedom grounds, for employers such as religious schools, from federal anti-discrimination laws. Church schools and other religious institutions, they argued, have only as much protection as non-religious groups do on “freedom of association” grounds—as though the religion clause of the First Amendment added no ground whatsoever for a unique religious freedom claim. In the best religious freedom news of the year, the administration lost this case 9-0 in the Supreme Court, which held that the Obama Justice Department’s view was “remarkable,” “untenable,” and “hard to square with the text of the First Amendment itself.”
And of course there is the infamous Health and Human Services “contraception mandate,” the cause of the most pointed confrontation in recent memory between a presidential administration and major figures in America’s religious communities. Under the HHS mandate, an administrative rule authorized by the 2010 Affordable Care Act, every employer with more than 50 employees must provide group health insurance that includes, in the category of preventive medicine for women, no-cost coverage of sterilization services and FDA-approved prescription contraceptives—including those that are better understood as abortifacients because they can act to destroy embryos rather than merely prevent conception. A narrow exemption was included for religious employers that are non-profit, exist to inculcate “religious values,” and primarily employ and serve members of their own religious community. This meant that while churches and other houses of worship would be exempted, countless religious schools, universities, hospitals, and charitable institutions would not. Under pressure, the administration has promised a future “accommodation” for a broader range of religious institutions, with an ill-defined “safe harbor” until the new arrangement becomes effective in August 2013. At that time, these institutions’ employees would still be entitled to the same “preventive services,” but with insurers rather than employers responsible for the costs. Some religious institutions, such as the University of Notre Dame, are self-insured for their employee health plans, and there is no sign yet regarding how their situation could be addressed. And who can be fooled by the promise that insurance companies rather than employers are paying for the coverage, and that employers will somehow have clean hands in a three-cornered contractual relationship in which these services are guaranteed?
It is no wonder that the U.S. Catholic bishops formed an Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty last year; and that they published a major statement on religious freedom in March; and that they organized a “Fortnight for Freedom” to pray for religious liberty in June and July. Recognizing the threat to themselves as well, particularly in the mandated coverage of abortifacient pharmaceuticals, a number of evangelical Protestant institutions have joined in the litigation against the HHS mandate, while Jewish, Mormon, and Muslim leaders have joined in formal protests. There are, at last count, 28 separate lawsuits pending in federal courts around the country, involving more than 80 separate plaintiffs.
Perhaps the most interesting case involves, not a religious school, hospital, or charity, but Hercules Industries of Colorado, a private company that makes heating and air conditioning equipment. Its sole owners are the Newlands, a family of Catholics who object to providing the mandated coverage to their employees, against the dictates of their conscience as informed by their faith. The argument of the Obama Justice Department in the case is astonishing. It is that no one can claim, on behalf of an incorporated business he owns, any right of religious freedom or conscience that can trump a requirement of the law. Period. The members of the Newland family may have religious scruples, but the business they own cannot be conducted in accord with those scruples. Once individuals opt for incorporation of a business, they lose the freedom of religion so far as the actions of that corporation are concerned. Luckily, a federal judge in Colorado has entered a preliminary injunction barring enforcement of the HHS mandate against Hercules Industries while litigation continues. But the all-out character of the administration’s disregard for claims of conscience is a grave portent of things to come.
* * *
What is the cause of these pressures on freedom of religion and conscience? And how can we respond in the spirit of a renewed commitment to principles of religious liberty?
In truth and charity, we must give those responsible for the policies I’ve described the benefit of the doubt, as acting on some vision of the good. Those in charge of our universities, our state and local governments, our courts, and the Obama administration, seem to be animated by a desire to serve the goal of women’s health as they understand it, or to advance a certain view of freedom or equality. They think of electoral and legislative victories as vindicating the rightness of their views. And they often see the push-back that results as a failure to understand something obviously just. Hence the Obama administration’s rhetoric about a “war on women” expresses a real opinion on the part of the president and his supporters that the equal position and basic health of women in American society are served by a mandate that burdens all but the smallest employers and the most narrowly defined institutions of worship with the legal obligation to provide free contraceptives, abortifacient drugs, and sterilization services.
But while they may seek a certain good as they understand it, they fail to grasp the perspective of the religious dissent their policies generate. There is a blundering impatience on the part of the secular state, and the secular elites in charge of it, whenever countervailing claims are made in the name of religious conscience, the integrity of religious institutions, or the foundational character of religious communities as part of American civil society. And there is a characteristic failure to perceive the legitimate contribution of religion to public discourse.
Thus our predicament drives us back to first things—to the necessity of thinking through, from the beginning, the ground of religious freedom as an individual right; the relation of the individual believer to his fellows in a naturally formed community; and the way in which these individuals and their organic relationships of family, church, and other spontaneous expressions of civil society, are responsible for creating the state by their mutual consent.
I have twin touchstones for the reflections that follow: the “Memorial and Remonstrance Against Religious Assessments,” which was addressed by James Madison to the Virginia General Assembly in 1785 and helped defeat a bill to spend tax dollars on the support of clergy; and Dignitatis Humanae, the “Declaration on Religious Freedom” of the Second Vatican Council in 1965. These two brief documents, written under such different circumstances 180 years apart, are not, of course, in perfect accord on every point. But they have something in common in the way they ground religious freedom in axiomatic reflections on the human condition, in the priority they place on religious obligations as making a higher claim on our attention than political obligations, and in the way they elaborate the limits of political authority.
Both Madison and the authors of Dignitatis Humanae begin with reflections on the individual human person and his relationship to God. Religious belief and devotion are not anthropological curiosities or historical relics, but are basic to the human experience—natural to us in the exercise of our most human faculties, those of the mind. And religious belief impresses itself directly on the mind in such a way that we can speak of it as not altogether voluntary—not a matter of willing choice, but of compulsion in light of the evidence that both reason and revelation place before us. Thus Madison speaks of religious conscience as an “unalienable right”—the same expression used for our most basic natural rights in the Declaration of Independence—“because the opinions of men, depending only on the evidence contemplated by their own minds[,] cannot follow the dictates of other men.” Likewise, Dignitatis Humanae, which grounds religious freedom in “the very dignity of the human person”: “The truth cannot impose itself except by virtue of its own truth, as it makes its entrance into the mind at once quietly and with power.”
The right of conscience, then, is a right not to be compelled to speak or act as though what one knows to be true is actually false. For one has a duty to truth, and no higher duty than to the truth about the highest thing. As Madison goes on to say,
It is the duty of every man to render to the Creator such homage and such only as he believes to be acceptable to him. This duty is precedent, both in order of time and in degree of obligation, to the claims of Civil Society. (emphasis added)
Similarly, Dignitatis describes religious freedom as something “men demand as necessary to fulfill their duty to worship God,” and this worship is the means by which we “may come to God, the end and purpose of life.” This puts before us as our end what Madison places before us as our beginning: Our freedom to fulfill our duty to God must be untrammeled because that duty is both first and last for us, the alpha and the omega. Fleshing out this common teaching, Dignitatis continues: “the exercise of religion, of its very nature, consists above all else in those internal, voluntary, and free acts whereby man sets the course of his life directly toward God. No merely human power can either command or prohibit acts of this kind.” As Madison puts it, “Religion is wholly exempt from [the] cognizance” of political authority.
Perhaps not surprisingly, Dignitatis had more than Madison to say about the fact that individuals do not practice their religion as a solitary act, but together with one another. Dignitatis refers to the “social nature of man,” and the natural consequence that “he should profess his religion in community.” It follows that the “immunity from coercion in matters religious” that men enjoy as individuals is “also to be recognized as their right when they act in community.” The vitality of faith comes in its communal character, in the individual’s fellowship with others whose views support, inform, and refine his own. Dignitatis treats at length the freedom of religious communities to meet and to organize, to teach and to witness to their faith, to control their own internal affairs, to undertake “educational, cultural, charitable and social” efforts as they see fit. This receives less attention from the more individualistic Madison, yet he implicitly agrees, assuming the existence of what he later called a “multiplicity of sects” and insisting on a politics of equal freedom for all religious communities, with the state “neither invading the equal rights of any Sect, nor suffering any Sect to invade those of another.”
Madison’s “Memorial”—again, not surprisingly—contains more of a political science than Dignitatis. It carries us back to the principles of the Declaration of Independence, which move from our natural equality as created beings, to our possession of rights inextricably bound up with our nature and bestowed on us by the Creator, to the purpose and foundation of government, made by us to serve rather than frustrate our natural equality and liberty. Madison carefully employs the phrase “Civil Society” to identify the whole community—the community of communities, made up of families, churches, and all sorts of organic human relations—that is responsible for authorizing and limiting political authority. Civil society is the earthly sovereign, the supreme temporal power that delegates the powers of government. But even this is only the earthly sovereign. Over all there remains the “Universal Sovereign” to whom all must answer: “Before any man can be considered as a member of Civil Society, he must be considered as a subject of the Governour of the Universe.” For this reason, Madison says, religion is “exempt from the authority of the Society at large.” Much more so must it be exempt from the political authority of the government society creates.
The priority of individual rights and of the claims of organic communities also permeates Dignitatis, which describes the “common welfare of society” as consisting “chiefly . . . in the protection of the rights, and in the performance of the duties, of the human person.” Those duties are experienced and expressed in “religious communities,” so it is “imperative that the right of all citizens and religious communities to religious freedom should be recognized and made effective in practice.”
* * *
What are we to take away from these essential reflections on the nature and requirements of religious freedom?
First, human beings are by nature truth-seekers and truth-responders. If we are to live fully integrated lives, making our relationship to the truth a central part of our being and character, then we must respond to the truth as we understand it, and order our lives around it.
Second, thanks to the fallible character of our minds, we grasp the truth in common with some of our fellows and differently from others. But it does not follow from our conviction of the truth, shared with others, that we who agree acquire a right to compel others who disagree. Persuade yes, compel no.
Third, religious communities form an essential element in the civil societies formed by men. They are as natural and as organic as families. Their integrity and freedom come near to being as important as that of the individuals of which they are composed.
Fourth, the power of government, necessary as it is to maintaining a shared moral order, is the creature and not the creator of men’s rights, and the servant, not the master of our private relations in our families and religious communities. It has no jurisdiction over belief; it cannot properly legislate or adjudicate questions of religious duty or the validity of requirements of conscience. This is not to say that the government may never inquire into whether a claim of religious conviction is sincere. Nor must the state yield entirely to every sincerely presented claim. In the words of Dignitatis, the “objective moral order” that calls for “good order and . . . true justice” will trump claims that threaten the public peace or the rights of others.
But—fifth—short of such cases, the state should respect, honor, and even foster the role of religious communities and institutions as essential contributors to civil society. In crucial respects they are expressions of something still more basic to the flourishing of the human personality than is the political order itself.
The modern secular state errs in viewing religious communities as subordinate—whether as handmaidens of government, rivals for people’s allegiance, or as mere interest groups in elections and public policy debates. Subordination of the religious to the political tends to sever, in the minds of policymakers and judges, the link between individuals and the various expressions of religious community that enrich their understanding of the truth, animate their peaceful encounters with their fellow citizens who have different understandings, and inform the reasonable basis of our objective moral order.
We can see many of these problems in the HHS contraception mandate. In its administrative rulemaking, the Obama administration presumes to define what forms of religious community are religious enough to merit the state’s definition of “religious employer,” and thus to qualify as a genuine claimant of an institutional conscience. Even its promised “accommodation” would treat religious colleges, hospitals, and charitable ministries as second-class religious institutions. Genuine religion, it seems to say, is mere sabbath-keeping by individuals who attend the church of their choosing. And a family like the Newlands, insofar as it is engaged in a business, is utterly subject to the plenary power of the state. The creative gift of the Newland family—their business enterprise—does not fully belong to them, to be governed by their conscience. Their entrepreneurship must be severed from their faith, as though they can be Catholics only in church on Sunday. And the Obama Justice Department has the nerve to argue that the Newlands are “imposing their religion” on their employees!
Here we see one of the characteristic moves of the modern secular state: the effort to push the vital institutions of civil society aside—in this case, its religious communities and the unique role they play in the lives of citizens. Richard John Neuhaus understood this nearly 30 years ago in The Naked Public Square: “Once religion is reduced to nothing more than privatized conscience, the public square has only two actors in it—the state and the individual.” And he added that “a perverse notion of the disestablishment of religion leads to the establishment of the state as church.”
At one of this summer’s national political conventions, we heard the startling statement that “government is the only thing we all belong to.” In that understanding, the civil society and the communities to which government is responsible are left out. As a crotchety old Hollywood actor observed at the other convention, “We own this country . . . politicians are employees of ours.” He did not have religious freedom in mind, so far as I can tell. But his principle is sound for our purposes. Individuals of faith, joined in communities of faith, forming a civil society imbued with the many faiths of those many communities, own this country. The state’s authority comes from us, and its power—the power of our elected employees—cannot be greater than what we can rightfully give it. We cannot give the state power over the conscience of men and women, because we do not ourselves have any right to come between God and our fellow citizens. The sooner our elected employees remember these foundational truths, the sooner we may begin to recover a healthy notion of religious freedom.