Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Disaster Looming: Take a Principled Position

Goldberg hits the nail on the head:

I would add: in the unlikely event that Trump is elected (he won't win, running against the person whom he has so often supported, and who has the entire MSM as her campaign team...but if by chance he did win the general) we will have set the conservative movement back by decades. The "middle" and "independent" voters will be easily persuaded after a Trump term that conservative principles don't work when in fact, they will not have been tried (much like they were convinced after George W. Bush's moderate leadership).

We must elect a true conservative in order for our country to make progress. I believe that if the GOP will nominate Cruz, and if Trump shows the slightest integrity for the good of the country (genuinely urges his voters to support the party nominee..."I’m a unifier. I unify people. We’re going to have such unity."...and doesn't have a tantrum and take his marbles home) Cruz can and will be elected like Reagan was in 1980.

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