Monday, February 29, 2016

Illusions of Hope and The Donald Principle

"It is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts." —Patrick Henry (1775)
Last week, after his Nevada victory, Trump said two things that should catch the eye of those who think he should become president:
"We won with poorly educated. I love the poorly educated." [then Trump added] "When others drop out, I will pick up more. Sad but true." 
These two statements are perhaps the most truthful words he has spoken in this campaign cycle. Could the following have been a prophecy of this primary:
"Any formal attack on ignorance is bound to fail because the masses are always ready to defend their most precious possession — their ignorance." —Hendrik van Loon (1882-1944)
There are so many reasons not to vote for The Donald. Everything in his life up to this point demonstrates that he has one guiding principle for life, which is,  

Do whatever it takes to get what Donald wants.

This Donald Principle is evident in his whole life. Here is just a quick list of examples:
  • hiring illegal immigrant workers (fined about a million dollars when caught) yet making illegal immigration a centerpiece of his campaign
  • buying favor with New York politicians (including much financial and sound-bite support for his probable general election opponent)
  • filing bankruptcy to protect his poor investments
  • creating  a fake "university" to rip off unsuspecting investors
  • investing in immoral businesses (strip clubs, etc.)
  • committing adultery (with many women, by his own testimony)
  • now calling himself a "strong Christian" to patronize that voting block although he says he has not asked God to forgive him
  • playing the media like a fiddle (they want him as the Republican nominee, because a. he is the easiest to beat in the general, and b. even if not, he is as liberal as a Democrat anyway!)
  • hiding his tax return and his net worth (while simultaneously bragging about it). 
Further application of the Donald Principle is the fact that nearly every political position he has taken in this primary race has been a faux conversion from his very public positions of the order to get the Republican nomination. Political wisdom is to "run right in the primary, then run left in the general."

Among the few political positions he has not even claimed to have changed, even for the sake of the Donald Principle, are some of his famous "New York values": socialized health care (replace with ObamaCare with "something better" but still government-provided), gay agenda and support for abortion-provider Planned Parenthood!

If...God forbid...this man would ever hold the powers of the Presidency, just imagine the damage he can do to our country while applying the Donald Principle. I shudder to think of it!

I encourage you to read more about this man before you doom our country with a vote for him.  Start with this discussion of his tax return, or this on his supposed Christianity, or why President Trump would be worse than Hillary, or how electing him will destroy for decades the opportunity to elect true reformers.

Please, anyone of conscience and conservative principle, don't vote for another narcissist dedicated solely to self-promotion.  A final word from our first President:
"Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism." —George Washington (1796)

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