Thursday, June 19, 2014

Tolerance & Diversity mean Intolerant & Undiverse

The term "tolerance" is being used to advocate intolerance of those who disagree with the advocates. The word "diversity" actually means conformity to someone else' standards.

How is it that these high-sounding ideas don't mean what the plain meaning of the words imply? Especially on college campuses?  I recently wrote to a young friend headed off to college that the advocates of diversity are really involved in a three-step strategy to change generally accepted values, not broaden what is accepted:
Step 1: My values are different from yours, and you need to open your mind to accept values that are different from yours. (After all, you surely don't think you are 100% right about everything!)
Step 2. Once my values (think homosexual behavior then marriage; abortion on demand,  sex-outside of marriage, pornography, easy divorce [because marriage is about making me happy], marijuana use, etc.) are accepted as normal, then conflicting values (like your Christian values) become socially unacceptable.
Step 3. The values that are socially unacceptable need to be outlawed, because no one should be able to "judge" others' acceptable values as "wrong" or bad! So let's make them--the actual practice of biblical Christianity, for instance--illegal.
The end of the line is not a more diverse society, but one that conforms to a new, licentious, vulgar, un-disciplined, anti-Christian set of rules.

As my readers know, I am always interested in the political implications of these things. Liberal politicians embrace these theories of "tolerance" and "diversity" because it furthers their ends of centralized control, i.e. socialism. People who live this way (in bondage to their own flesh, as the apostle Paul described it) become less able to support themselves and more dependent on government. (read "Brave New World")

Eric Metaxes writes HERE about how this is playing out in real life on American college campuses:
Proponents say that, in the name of anti-discrimination, colleges must discriminate against Christian groups that seek to maintain their identity and mission—even though these groups welcome anyone to join. Such is the ironic state of “tolerance” in 21st-century America.
I urge you to read his complete Break Point commentary HERE.

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