[The Patriot Post reports the following about an extensive study that supports my recent blog posts. The homosexual lifestyle is not merely an alternative, it is a dangerous choice to make and should be discouraged...not celebrated with legal equivalence to marriage. But the homosexual lobby considers that ultimate trump card"for the children" as simply inapplicable if we're talking about any limits on their sexual indulgence. CWF]
Faith and Family: We'll Have a Gay Old Time
In June, we noted the New Family Structures Study (NFSS) conducted by Mark Regnerus, a sociology professor at the University of Texas. Regnerus found that individuals raised by same-sex couples tend to have an increased risk of depression, unemployment, marijuana use, and a negative perception of their childhood. They may even be more likely to be unfaithful to their spouse. However, the study was far from an indictment, but rather an invitation to explore the issue further.
The Left, of course, had an aneurism. When the NFSS was published in the June 10 issue of Social Science Research, blogger Scott Rose wasted no time in calling it "dangerous propaganda" and accusing Regnerus of scientific misconduct. Rose's demands for an investigation were echoed by the Leftmedia, who said this heralded the end of Regnerus' credibility as an academic.
Thankfully, there are still people out there more interested in academic liberty and the dispassionate pursuit of knowledge than a witch-hunt. On Aug. 31, UT issued a press release exonerating Regnerus's study; furthermore a four-person panel vindicated the NFSS as more comprehensive than others of its kind and one that "advanced the inquiry" into the topic.
If anyone is guilty of professional misconduct, it's the Leftmedia. They think nothing of trying to destroy a man's career because his findings contradict their view, yet they have no problem bending facts in an attempt to manipulate public opinion.
A catchy headline is a powerful tool; after all, it's what draws readers to the piece. But even for those who don't read on, the headline can create a powerful "snapshot" impression. Salon.com took advantage of this recently with an article entitled, "Do gay couples have happier kids? Studies show that the traditional nuclear family is not better. It's a dying model -- and that's a good thing." The article featured an excerpt from the book, "Why Have Kids: A New Mom Explores The Truth About Parenting and Happiness." The problem is that the book itself does not make the claim that kids raised by same sex couples are happier, rather just happy in general. Salon's stunt is an all-too-common example of the Left's lack of journalistic integrity.